Our Team

It takes the efforts of many people to keep the Club functioning and providing an enjoyable environment for all our members. The following are some of the people serving in key roles.


David Hoornstra

Director, President and Senior Instructor

David is a founding member and lead instructor of the Ann Arbor Sword Club with over 60 years fencing and teaching experience in a wide variety of periods and weapons. He studied modern fencing with Maestros John Bailey and Istvan Donosi, theatrical combat with Erik Fredicksen and Paddy Crean, and historical fencing with Christian Tobler and Dr. Jeffrey Forgeng. He has taught or coached fencing at Lake Superior State College, U-M Fencing Club, Ann Arbor Rec Dept, and the Ann Arbor YMCA. David is a member of the US Fencing Coaches Association and has served as a Michigan USFA officer and National Committee member.


Terry Gruber

Director, Lead Administrator and Instructor

With over 50 years of fencing experience and a founding member of the Sword Club, Terry's current interests lean more to "modern" forms - as in 17th century and later. His coaching philosophy focuses on the basics and good form, seeking both effectiveness and satisfaction by the fencers as they practice their art. Terry also likes to explore options for fencing aesthetics, visibility and comfort such as alternate training weapons.


Maurice (Moe) Chojecki

Director and Instructor

Moe was introduced to HEMA in Chicago, but started practicing in earnest with the Ann Arbor Sword Club after moving to Michigan. He brings an enthusiasm to our training by promoting drills, katas and sparing games. Moe is active in the Michigan HEMA scene and while competition is important to him, it will always be second to encouraging mutual respect and safe, clean fencing. He primarily focuses on Meyer Longsword and Eastern European Saber.


Cristina Tamer

Lead Instructor

Cristina started fencing competitively some 15 years ago with the University of Michigan team that won two National Club Fencing Championships. After graduating, she became interested in Historical European Martial Arts, fencing first with the Ann Arbor Sword Club and then studying with clubs on the west coast before returning to Michigan. Cristina fences in many HEMA competitions, frequently medals in Longsword, Rapier, and Sword and Buckler. She loves to learn new weapons, read new sources, stab or slash her friends and looks to share that joy with everyone.


Matthew Stewart-Fulton

Senior Instructor (Emeritus)

Matthew is a long-time teacher and student of martial arts, primarily Chinese unarmed styles and European weapon styles. He’s been involved with the AASC for upwards of 15 years as part of a lifetime interest in martial pursuits. He is especially interested in comparing and contrasting weapons and martial applications from different sources and backgrounds. He is also interested in novel ways to broaden interest in weapon based martial arts.