Waiver and Informed Consent Form
A signed copy or this form, on file, is required for participation in Sword Club activities.
AASC Safety Policy
The Safety Policy of the Ann Arbor Sword Club for the protection of its members
and guests while attending any regularly scheduled, approved or sanctioned activity or event.
AASC Spec Smallswords - Description and Rational
This describes the Smallswords frequently used by the Ann Arbor Sword Club in practice and in Smallsword tournaments the Club hosts to help indicate quality strikes.
Helpful FREE materials about fencing you can download and print.
A Short History of European Swordplay
by David S. Hoornstra.
David's Illustrated Notes
These contain a variety of modern fencing basics.
German Longsword 101
German Longsword basics based on "Secrets of German Swordplay" by Christian Tobler pub. 2002 by Chivalry Bookshelf
Meyer's Square
From Meyer's "Art of Combat". Useful for practicing form and to facilitate fluidity in attacking the four openings. Includes the original diagram and the "rings" presented as 4 separate diagrams.
David's Longsword Katas Part 1
First of a set of "katas" for solo Longsword practice.
Terry's Smallsword Resources
A sampling of Smallsword resources with source references and some of Terry's personal thoughts on the books.
Advanced Historical Combat Methods
You may use these sources freely FOR NON-PROFIT personal study only. These documents have been painstakingly assembled. Respect their rights.
Higgins Museum - longsword_handout
by Dr. Jeffrey Forgeng, formerly the Higgins Armoury Museum curator and instructor (and former Ann Arbor Sword Club member). A far more detailed, scholarly manual of German Longsword based on Leichtenauer and Meyer.
Dobringer A5 side by side
Hanko Döbringer fechtbuch from 1389 - "side-by-side". Translation and transcription by David Lindholm and friends. Manuscript based on Leichtenauer which colorfully brings out
the verbal flavor of the original combat manual. Includes cautions
for those that think they can re-invent fencing techniques.
Getting Punchy
Fist-Fighting, Wrestling and Fight-Books. By Jeffrey Hull. Why Punching is a poor choice compared to wrestling techniques in period combat (and why knights didn't bother with it). An excellent discussion.
il Fior di Battaglia by Fiore Dei Liberi
English Translation from digital images of the MS Ludwig XV 13, in the Paul J Getty Museum collection. This is a HEMA Alliance Project - link:
HEMA Alliance
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The Sword Club Story - Part 1, The Beginning
A strong beginning, a period of competitive strength and varied activities eventually followed by a decline of fencing in Ann Arbor.
The Sword Club Story - Part 2, The Return
A renewed interest and growth in fencing, both modern and historical, along with a different perspective for the club.
The Sword Club Story - Part 3, The Age of HEMA
Coming soon - In a period of significant growth of Western Martial Arts scholarship, the Club's participation in the Historical European Martial Arts community.
In Memoriam John D. Bailey
by David S. Hoornstra.
Insights into the experiences that shaped the
the Ann Arbor Sword Club.
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